the beginning of my weight loss series: week 1

What’s up, friends! Welcome back to my blog. Happy to have you here 🙂 I’ve finally finalized a schedule that will keep me on track with blogging, since I’ve quite truthfully been a little MIA lately!

If you missed my last blog about Quarantine, be sure to head over and check it out! Speaking of quarantine, has anyone else had trouble keeping weight off? The snacks are available 24/7 and there’s nothing else to do! I really decided to buckle down during this break and use the extra time on my hands to my advantage, in order to get my life back on track.

Before I introduce what this series will cover, I want to do a little introduction for those of you who are reading for the first time! First of all, my name is Dayna. I’m 23 years old and a recent college graduate! Growing up, I was super active. I danced for fourteen years, played basketball, dabbled with gymnastics, and was a cheerleader throughout my high school days. Along with these extracurricular activities, I had a super fast metabolism and very active neighbors. All of these things contributed to staying in shape as a kid. As you can probably already guess, college hit me so hard. The opportunity to live on my own, grocery shop on my own, and choose what to eat on my own was a huge change for me. I was exposed to so many new foods and, hello! Meal plan covered everything from Auntie Anne’s to Dip ‘n Dots! What are salads? It took a little too long for me to learn, but with great responsibilities come either great rewards, or great consequences. Can you guess which one came running for me? (Let’s be honest, no one was running).

Instead of just gaining the ‘freshman 15’, I went for the bundle deal which included the sophomore 20, the junior 25…Okay, you get the point.

Fast forward to now one WHOLE year after graduation, I’m finally starting to get myself back in check. Throughout this series, I will be covering the following topics: What I eat in a day, what has been helping me the most so far, what keeps me going, how I stay on track, updates, and much more. I don’t have any products I’m trying to sell or gain commission for, but I will be promoting certain brands/apps solely because they’ve helped me get this far and I feel that they deserve the credit. I’m still a very small influencer and am not sponsored by any of the brands I write about (yet;) I only promote places, products, or services that I truly stand behind and feel will benefit you!

You might want to buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride. But we’re in the same car! Leave a comment below (especially if you’re on this journey with me) or reach out to me via my socials to let me know if there’s something else you’d like me to discuss or explain. I’m so, so, so excited for this and hope you guys are too! See ya next Friday for more on what I eat in a day! Make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel – because I’ll be posting a video that corresponds with my blog posts and goes into greater detail!



This is not a paid or sponsored post.

how lady boss blogger transformed my relationship with brands

Welcome back to the blog, friends! Today i’m sharing with you the winner of the LadyBossBlogger giveaway & sharing some more helpful tips and tricks that this course taught me!

If you’re just tuning in, you should know that I collaborated with Elaine Rau and LadyBossBlogger to give away one free influencer course. In addition, I had the opportunity to take the course “How to Make Money as an Influencer”, and I absolutely loved it!

Congratulations to Lauren Oleskowitz on winning this awesome giveaway! I am so excited for all that you will learn and cannot wait to watch you grow as an influencer! If you didn’t win, you’re still in luck!! Use code DAYNAMAIER for 40% OFF your course over on

Some key highlights I took away from this course are:

  1. How to reach out to dream brands
  2. How to create a KILLER media kit & land deals!
  3. How to properly propose and sell yourself in an email
  4. How to keep track of your earnings & “legal stuff”
  5. How to build and maintain loyal followers and create lasting connections and friendships! (my favorite 😍

I can’t give it all away, guys!! You’ll just have to see for yourselves 😉 I landed some awesome brand deals this past month however, and I am so excited to share them with you!! I actually uploaded my Mapiful collab just yesterday and you guys are already giving it so much love! Not to mention, I’ve grown so much in the past few weeks! I passed my June goal of Instagram followers by over 800 people! When I finally hit 4k, I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face 😂

If you are anything like me, and are super impatient when it comes to growth and success, you NEED to try this course out! They also offer a course specific to just blogging. Your dreams will not create themselves. I’ve quickly learned that building the life I want is going take so much time, effort, work, and even some mistakes here and there to finally accomplish what I truly want. I am so glad I was given this opportunity from Elaine Rau & Lady Boss Blogger as it provided the little “push” I needed to really buckle down and become more serious about my work. 


With my code, DAYNAMAIER, you are gifted 40% off ANY course of your choosing! 

Be sure to check out Elaine Rau, Lady Boss Blogger, and myself on Instagram for more!



how i grew my organic following and started landing brand deals thanks to ladybossblogger

Welcome back to the blog, friends! I am SO excited to share what I've been working on the past few weeks and even more stoked to be giving away a FREE blogging course of your choice! EEK :)) Stick around to find out just how to enter!

I started my blog and corresponding YouTube channel back in February of this year. It’s only been about four months, but I quickly learned that if I wanted this lifestyle, I was going to have to work for it. Like, really work for it! To be honest, I was in way over my head when I started up. It is so overwhelming! If you are new to this influencer thing, or are looking to get started, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about, but I have great news and the resources to get started, so listen up!

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been taking the LadyBossBlogger course titled: Make Money As An Influencer, and let me tell ya, this thing is PACKED with information on how to do just that. In fact, I’ve had to take the course day by day (haha, no pun intended) in order to ensure my notes made sense and my head didn’t explode with information. I set big goals for my self in June, and I’m already so close to reaching them! I have been keeping close track of my following and engaging since starting the course, and I have grown over 400 followers! Real, organic followers that I’ve already build amazing friendships and connections with. Numbers aren’t everything, though. This course contains soooo much more useful information and I can’t wait to share with you a little about my top 5 favorite things I’ve learned so far. Check it out!

  1. 8 ways to create a stunning feed
  2. How to build a killer media kit that brands will LOVE
  3. How to monetize your social media platforms
  4. How to schedule and create a social media calendar
  5. How to keep track of your earnings

Then, of course there’s the not-so-fun-stuff-but-super-important-so-you-gotta-learn-about-it stuff. Which I’m SO glad Elaine included in this course because, you need to know!

  1. How to do your taxes as an influencer
  2. What are FTC laws and how do you abide by them?
  3. How to choose and set up a business entity
  4. Do you need to open up a business bank account?
  5. Design your brand around a business plan

Okay guys, that’s not all!! This course comes with TWELVE bonus articles that you NEED to see! Everything from checklists, to detailed calendars about what to post each and every day of the whole year, how to start a podcast, the best YouTube channel practices, how to monetize your live streams and so much more. Like, so much more! I’ve spent two weeks on this course and I’m only half way through it! These are just my initial thoughts. I cannot wait to update y’all in just a few short weeks.

Are you ready to get started? Head over to my instagram account to enter the giveaway!!! It’s super easy, here’s all that you have to do:

  1. Follow me on Instagram @daybyday_na
  2. Follow @ladybossblogger on Instagram
  3. Follow @elainerau on Instagram
  4. Like my Instagram photo and tag a friend in the comments
  5. Tag extra friends to earn extra entries!!!

That’s literally it! So easy, right?

If you just can’t wait to get started on this course and want to create your ideal, dream life right this second, use the code DAYNAMAIER for 40% off any course of your choice! They have payment plans so that if you cannot pay in full today, you can choose to spread the payment out over the course of 6 months or even 2 months. Don’t worry, my promo code works with any payment plan and whatever course you choose.

I’m super excited to update y’all in a few weeks once I’m finished with this course and get to announce the WINNER of this awesome giveaway! Until then, good luck and keep working hard.You can check out some of LadyBossBlogger’s additional resources below!

7-Day Make Money Blogging

21-Day Build A Better Blog

5-Day Master Affiliate Marketing

3-Day Become An Instagram Influencer

Thank you LadyBossBlogger + Elaine Rau for sponsoring this post.

Some links contain affiliate links. Must be 18+ years old to enter. Giveaway is available to contestants worldwide. Disclaimer: This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Instagram.

weight loss series: week 5 what does your boat look like?

Welcome back to another weight loss blog, friends! I’m going to be honest with you, this is going to be a super short, to the point, blog post. I just want to take this time to update you all now that we’ve officially been at this for five weeks! That’s crazy!

Before I start, I just want to mention my analogy. This title probably through you off, didn’t it? I’ve been using this weird boat analogy in so many different situations lately, and I thought it’d be useful in this one, too. You probably don’t understand what I’m talking about right now, but hop in, read along, and by the end I’m sure it’ll have you thinking; What does your boat look like?

So, when I started really trying to lose weight back in January, I weighed in at 198. Ugh. A number that I hate to admit, and never thought I’d see, ever. I realized it had a lot to do with working a desk job, eating out for almost every meal (because I absolutely despise cooking for one person), and lack of exercise, of course. After moving home in February, I was eating my mom’s home cooked meals for dinner every night, (this also saved me money, obviously) working out with my big through the Peloton app, holding each other accountable, and picking out healthier recipes to make for myself and my family. In April, three months into the process, I was down fifteen pounds. I was actually really proud of myself and I recognized that quarantine actually helped! I was eating less, eating better, (because I couldn’t eat out) and had so much more time to exercise and keep track of my food logging. Now that we’re about 5 months into the process, I’ve still only lost a total of fifteen pounds. That averages to 3 pounds a month, which is close to nothing, so it feels like. I hit a plateau in early May, right after I returned to work. Luckily I’m a nanny now, which keeps me going constantly. I’m always on my feet or running around, one way or another. This is so much better than the job I had post-grad, which had me sitting all day. I knew that had something to do with my rapid weight gain.

Now don’t forget, I also have a thyroid condition which makes losing weight so much harder than someone who does not.

Now that I’ve been teetering anywhere between 182 and 184, I’m feeling so discouraged. I remember feeling on top of my game in last week’s post! I was ready to update you this week with better news…but that’s okay! Maybe next week 😉

I know that losing weight takes time and lots of dedication, but it’s just SO hard sometimes. What’s even harder is not seeing results, knowing it’s because you didn’t try your best, and then beating yourself up for it. I can be really harsh on myself, especially when it comes to things like this, and it takes a huge toll on me. I’m sure there are other people out there on this journey who are in the same boat. Wait, boat? That sounds familiar. Oh yeah, I definitely mentioned that in the beginning of this post. Let’s talk about our boats.

In my Instagram stories last week, I talked about our boats that were all sailing the journey to equality and justice. That’s not what this blog post is about, but I did want to mention that you can check out my #BLM highlight on my Instagram page for important resources and ways you can help this journey go a bit faster. For this scenario though, we all have intentions on reaching the same destination: a lighter weight. My boat doesn’t have a personal trainer, or an expensive meal plan. Yours might, though! That’s great, it might get you to our destination faster. Mine has a few junk snacks, which I should probably throw overboard, but that’s what I like on my boat! It’s causing me to go slower, though (obviously). This analogy is fun, but it’s a bit cheesy. (A bit???) You get the point.

The reason I’m drilling this boat thing into your head is because it’s SO important to remember: comparison will KILL you! There will always be someone ahead of you. But, you know what? There will always be someone behind you, too! Everyone starts somewhere. Take your time, get there safely. Enjoy your ride.

See you next week, folks!

Weight loss series: week 4 | FOUR workout items you need at home

Welcome back, guys! As always, I’m so glad to have you here. I CANNOT believe we’re already on week 4 of this thing! I’ve been on this journey a lot longer than four weeks now, but I’m happy to be sharing my ups and downs on this platform. Before I start, I want to encourage you to follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel (totally free!) to get the MOST out of my content! I love blogging, but I feel like I can always express myself far better through showing, talking, and telling stories, which is why I started my YouTube channel. Be sure to check it out!

In honor of this being week four, and marking one whole month since I started this series on Day By Dayna, I want to share with you guys FOUR workout gear items you need for a successful at home workout! I was never big into working out at home which I feel is the opposite problem that most people have. No one seems to want to get up, drive to a gym, pay a membership, and workout in front of other people. Especially if you’re a beginner. I get that, but somehow getting up and going somewhere else actually motivates me. Not to mention seeing that membership bill exit my bank account each month – talk about an incentive!

When COVID-19 started taking over the world, my gym shut down and honestly, so did my motivation. I’ve talked before about my big, Paige, who lives in Arizona now and how we workout together as often as possible. Her and I have tried to stay connected and motivated as much as we can throughout this Corona journey and it’s safe to say we’ve both made progress!!! I can thank her for a few of the products/resources I have used to get this far. OH YEAH, did I mention I’m already down 15 whole pounds since March!?! So proud of myself!

Okay – on to the fun stuff!!! Here’s the 411 on each product you’ll wanna grab in order to keep yourself focused and on the right track!

  1. Grey FILA Yoga Mat – Shop it here!

I am totally in love with my yoga mat!! I use it for every home workout. Its soft, but not too soft, the perfect thickness (about half of an inch), and has this handy dandy built in strap which makes it easy to clean up and transport.

2. NOOM App – Find how to sign up and download the app here!

I talked about Noom and explained how I log and track my meals/calories in my YouTube video, “What I Eat in a Day”. Watch it here! It’s so helpful for meal tracking but that’s not the point of today’s post! Noom has lots of resources you can use for workouts and meal plans and I truly believe that this app has played a HUGE role in my weight loss journey! I have set goals with my coach and the app has calculated how fast it’ll take me to reach my goal weight and also provides so many other different assets that aid to setting and reaching my goals no matter how large or small! It does cost money to get the full version so be sure to use my discount code HERE when you sign up!

3. LetsFit Resistance Loop Bands – Shop them quick from amazon here!

These bands are EVERYTHING, you guys!! Literally the key to getting a good workout in when you don’t own or have access to weights!! Paige and I have found so many awesome workouts online through YouTube and Pinterest to help guide us and I can’t believe how many different exercises you can do with these little things! Like, it’s not just all about squats here, people! Who would’ve thought? The best part is that these come in all different kinds of fun colors! You can order the set above, which are the ones I have, and are easy to decipher which are which levels of resistance, or you can order the pink set or blue set which cost a little more but are so cute!

4. Peloton App – Download it here!

I’ve also previously talked a little bit about the Peloton app, but I need to include it because they deserve credit! So, I don’t own an actual Peloton bike at home, however there are tons and tons of workout videos easily categorized on here for you to watch and follow along with right in your very own living room! My big and I signed up at the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, when they were running 90 days FREE…however, I don’t believe that is the case anymore (sad), but I do know that you can do a 30 day free trial on their website!! It is so worth checking out – especially if every other at-home workout video you’ve tried hasn’t worked!

That is ALLLLL for this week, folks! Yay! Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for my corresponding YouTube video which will be posted next week. I post on YouTube every Tuesday and Friday and if you’re not subscribed…What are you waiting for?!!? SUB HERE 🙂

I appreciate each and every one of you guys so, so, so much! Thanks for all your support this far and I cannot wait to update y’all next week!

OXO – Dayna

weight loss series: week 3

Welcome or welcome back, ya guys!!! I’m so happy to have you here 🙂 If you’re reading, that hopefully means that you’ve been keeping up with this series. Last week, we talked about what I eat in day. (Week days only;) and the week before, I introduced what this mini series would be about. This week – I’m sharing all of the things that have been keeping me on track! Make sure to stick around until the end to get my 20% OFF discount code to my favorite weight loss app. Remember, in no way is this post sponsored or promoted, nor am I making commission from any products or services mentioned. Staying on track is soooo important with weight loss. Consistency is KEY! Before we dive in, I’d like to share my latest vlog, which corresponds with last week’s post: What I Eat in a Day! Check it out here, and don’t forget to subscribe! 🙂

I’d say there are 5 MAJOR things that keep me going, I’ll start with number 5 and work my way down to what I think is the number one most important thing to have to keep yourself on track.

5. A SCALE! In my opinion, this is a common hit or miss for people who are trying to lose weight. If you don’t think that this will work for you, or if you’ve tried a scale and you find that it hurts more than helps, then move on! I would just like to share what positive results I’ve seen from my scale.

If you’ve been keeping up with my vlogs, I introduced you to my Weight Gurus Scale over in my morning routine vlog. Check it out here.

My scale was actually gifted to me by my ever so kind sorority big, Paige. She has used hers for almost a year and talked it up a TON. I told her I wasn’t about to drop a lot of money on a freakin’ scale and sure enough it shows up at my doorstep three days later. How sweet! It is a bit pricey guys, but it provides sooooo much information on your weight, where you’re gaining it, your BMI measurements, what percentage of your body is water weight, muscle, fat etc. It’s so helpful and even comes with a handy dandy app that syncs with the scale, making it much easier to read and understand your results! I have found that weighing myself each morning has resulted in me sticking to a routine, excited to see my results each morning, and keeping the weight OFF! No one wants to see that weight graph ride a roller coaster! I’ve linked my Weight Gurus scale here. I also think you can find this in stores, I know Target sells them in the bathroom/home good aisle!

4. MOTIVATION from your favorite YouTubers or Instagram influencers!! Meggan Grubb and Whitney Simmons are seriously some of my absolute favorites. Make sure to check them out! If you don’t follow any fitness gurus on social media, type in a key word to your search bar such as: fitness, workouts, gym influencer, home workouts, etc. and see who’s posting. Check out their page, give them a follow, and see if they provide IG Lives or YouTube videos to share how they’re staying in shape. I always watch one of Meggan’s vlogs before I hit the gym to stay motivated, lol. It sounds so silly, but try doing it! I swear, it works! Linking one of my favorite routines from Meggan down below 🙂

3. FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!! Reach out to someone close to you who you trust 100% and get their support! This may sound obvious but I waited so long to ask a friend to be my workout buddy and open up to my boyfriend about wanting to lose weight. Having a few of my closest peeps cheering me on and helping me stay away from unhealthy foods and habits is seriously keeping me going!

2. Gyms and Apps! If we weren’t facing coronavirus right now, I probably would have just mentioned gyms. I go to Planet Fitness and totally love their equipment and environment, especially for a beginner. I’m not really sure why they have pizza and donuts in there sometimes…? Just try your best to stay away! Since Coronavirus, though, I resulted to working out via facetime with my friends and popping on the TV to stream Peleton or YouTube videos to stay up to date with my workouts. I talked about it a little more in my Nightly Routine video. You can watch that here!

Paige and I love to watch their HIIT cardio workouts, 5 min abs, or strength training! It only takes 10-30 mins of our night and always leaves us feeling defeated! (That’s a good thing). Pick your favorite app or trainer to watch and stick to it! These are great for staying in shape and keeping up with your routine!

  1. NUMBER ONE, YOU GUYS – NOOM! Noom is an app I’ve mentioned a lot in my YouTube videos lately. I downloaded it in early May and was recommended through a few friends and my favorite social media influencers. Through Noom, you can read these daily articles they send out to you which provide you with tons of information on how to lose weight, why you’re not losing weight, what foods to eat and why, and much more! I know this sounds pretty repetitive, but I promise some of this stuff I had never heard of or considered before! It has totally changed the way I eat, log my food, and stay active throughout the day. Make sure to check it out! They have a free trial, and then you can of course personalize a plan. The plan costs a little bit of money, but I promise – it’s worth it! Use my code for 20% off! Just click here.

That’s it for today, folks! Other than those few tips, all I can really say is keep active, eat your greens, and drink LOTS of water! Remember, this is NOT a race! I wish I could melt this fat off as fast as it would take me to finish a race but sadly, it just doesn’t work that way. Remember that weight loss is different for EVERYONE and if there was one specific, magical tip, everyone would be in shape! Even if we all followed the same workout and eating plan, we would still all look different. Love you guys!

Weight Loss series: week 2

Friends!! Welcome back, I’m so happy you’re here! If you’ve been keeping up with my Youtube videos, you may have noticed I’ve been getting a bit ahead of myself lately, lol. I keep talking about my apps that are helping me stay on track with my weight loss journey such as Noom or Things To Do. However, staying on track is a few weeks down the road! In today’s post, I’m going to be sharing with you what I eat in a day! (For the sake of my pride, we’re strictly going to be talking about weekdays here, folks. I like to eat calzones on the weekends ’cause that’s my business). 😉

First, I’m going to tell you what I (usually) eat, then I’m going to share my grocery list, and finally I will be sharing where I like to do my shopping!

If you don’t already know, I’m a full-time nanny! So, I’m on the go a lot, even though quarantine has limited us to only a few activities! In the morning, I try to eat guacamole spread on one piece of whole wheat bread or eggs. If I’m in a rush, I like to stop at Starbucks or Dunkin’ (whatever I’m in the mood for, or, quite honestly which ever has a shorter line). At Starbucks, I stick with an iced tea, or two shots of espresso on ice in a venti cup with a Premiere Protein shake poured on top! If I’m getting breakfast, I like their reduced-fat turkey bacon and cheese on an english muffin, their spinach feta and egg white wrap, or the berry yogurt parfait. To be honest, I prefer the everything Bantam bagel bites….But, that’s a little high in carbs for one meal. Does that stop me? No, not really. If we’re going to dunkin, I love a medium iced cappucino made with skim milk, one mocha swirl and one hazelnut swirl. For breakfast food I try to get their spinach and egg white bowl. It’s so yummy and filling! Does Dunkin’ even sell donuts? Don’t ask me!!

Lunch is always the tricky part, even trickier than saying no to the chocolate croissant at Starbucks. Not because it’s a pain to make or anything, but because I’m around the kids who get to eat chicken nuggets and mac and cheese for lunch (insert crying emoji here). But in all honesty, I think lunch is always one of my favorite meals of the day! At the grocery store, I pick out five different salad kits in the produce section and keep them in the family’s refrigerator so that I don’t have to remember them every morning! Let’s face it, this is the best option for me since I have a habit of “forgetting” my lunch and running the kids and I through the McDonald’s drive thru…oops! Not again, Dayna! My favorite salad kits to alternate between are Caesar, Sweet Kale, Oriental, and BBQ Ranch. So yummy! They keep me so full and I don’t crash in the afternoon!

I honestly don’t think I can tell you what I usually eat for dinner. It’s always different! Anything from my left over lunch salad, to whatever my mom made, to Chipotle. Yeah, Chipotle has lettuce and avocado, okay? And healthy rice. I think it’s important to note I’m eating chicken fingers while typing this post. It’s 9:24 pm. But hey, it’s Friday! And as the first grader I nanny likes to say, “on Fridays you can do whatever you want!”

Below, I’ve provided my weekly grocery list for you guys! It varies time to time, but you get the point. You’ll find the items I use for breakfast, dinner, or even snacks, like my rice cakes and almond butter, brownie brittle, seaweed packs, and more. I probably should have noted this in the beginning but, I’m *trying* to keep it healthy over here.

Egg Whites

Cottage Cheese

Chunk Grilled Chicken

Low Fat Parmesean Cheese


5 Salad Kits

Single Packs of Guacamole

Dark Chocolate Ghirardelli Squares

Brownie Brittle: Almond or Chocolate Chip

Whole Grain Bread

Annie’s Bunny Grahams

Seaweed Snacks

Whole Wheat Pita for homemade pizza

Jason’s Almond Butter Packets

Rice Cakes

Sun Dried Tomato Alfredo Sauce for pizzas

Premiere Protein Shakes: Chocolate and Vanilla

This list is a bit scattered but if anything maybe it’ll give you some ideas!

If you’re not from or around Ohio, you may not even know these grocery stores, but here goes. I used to do all my grocery shopping at Marcs or Walmart, but while in quarantine I started going to Giant Eagle and now it’s just easiest for me to go there because I know where everything is now. The thing that’s always intimidated me so much about grocery stores is that I can never seem to find anything! And as soon as I ask someone, I’m all of a sudden in the right place and it’s literally staring at me on the shelf. I look like such an idiot in front of the store clerk. Anyone else? Nope, just me? Maybe I’m just not looking hard enough or something…

Thank you SO much if you’ve read this far. I appreciate you sticking around and checking out what I like to eat in a day 🙂 Leave a comment so I can get to know you a little better or let me know what your favorite meal of the day is! I’m curious! Stay tuned for next week’s YouTube videos. Tuesday is my SHEIN clothes haul and Friday will be my “What I Eat in a Day” corresponding to this blog post so that I can show you guys a little better! Make sure you’re subscribed!!! You don’t wanna miss these 🙂 oxo.

life in quarantine

Hey, guys! If you’re just checking in, I’m so happy to have you here! I have been dying to update you all on what I’ve been doing to keep myself busy during these crazy times, and let you in on a few different tips and tricks that I have found helpful in order to keep me going. Maybe you can try some of these at home too to keep yourself moving and motivated!

If you don’t recall, or if you’re new here, I am from Ohio! So, this whole thing started way back in mid-March for us. Our governor shut things down real quick – Like, I’m talking we were full party mode, packed like sardines in our favorite bar at 10 am to snoozing fast asleep in bed by 8 pm with no positive sign of the foreseeable future ahead.

Okay, wait, let me back up real quick. I guess I should mention this was my alma mater’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Which is why I was partying at 10 in the morning. Or was it….

So, if you’ve been keeping up, you probably know that I had a really hard time with the whole “leaving college and moving on to be an adult” thing. My boyfriend still lives at Kent State, along with pretty much every other good friend I had made there, and I go back to visit every weekend. Yes, every. weekend. Luckily, it’s only about 45 minutes from my parent’s house which is where I ended up moving home to. Anyways, we were all up and at ’em, doing our thing, taking shots and eating fried pickles before noon, as I watched all of my friends who were on track to graduate say goodbye to each other. Kent had just made an announcement the day before that they would be closing for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. My friends were devastated, I really felt horrible for them.

As most day drinks go, we were just about pooped before 3pm. I went home to order food and take a nap before heading back out in the evening for what I thought was going to be another celebration. Boy, was I wrong.

After waking up from my mid-day slumber, things started to go downhill. Fast. (And I’m not talking about my hangover). My senior friends not only had previously had their senior classes, events, and graduation canceled, but now SPRING BREAK! Yes, it was heartbreaking, to watch them receive the news that Fort Lauderdale had shut down their beaches. I didn’t know what to do when they found out. I can’t imagine having my senior spring break ripped from me. Within the next 10 minutes, our governor had shut down restaurants, my best friend lost her job, and our world as we know it was flipped upside down.

I left Kent that following Monday morning, not knowing when I was going to see my favorite people again. As I was heading to work, I received a call from my boss who suggested in was in everyone’s best interest to take the week off. After all, this was only going to last a week or two; this whole “shut down” thing.

Ugh, wrong again.

I ended up taking a full FIVE weeks off of work! Luckily, the family I nanny for is straight heaven sent, and they kept me on the clock to run errands and grocery shop for them. I felt so grateful for this and loved every opportunity I had to see them, even if it was just waiving through the front window. Finally, last Monday, I returned to my amazing job and am so happy I get to see my kiddos again and give their parents a quiet space to get their at home work done.

SO….What was I doing during those five whole weeks off?! If you’re still off of work, I feel you. Here are some things to keep you going! Make sure to check out my YouTube channel for more!

1.) Read a book – Twenties Girl is my new fav!!! Order it here:

2.) Binge a new Netflix or Hulu show – Did Carole Baskin really kill her husband?

3.) Have a movie night – See if your local theaters are doing to-go popcorn & candy! A few around my house are doing this.

4.) Play a family game night – I’ve discovered that I actually do like Monopoly!

5.) Workout – My favorite home workouts are on the Peloton app – FREE for 90 days because of COVID!

6.) Try out some new recipes – Pinterest is your BEST friend for this!

7.) Organize your closet – You’ve always been putting this off! Now is the perfect time 🙂

8.) Clean your room – maybe even paint it a new color! Get creative, people!


10.) Online shop! – Ladies, check out the links in my Instagram bio for some discount codes at Pura Vida, ROSSI Nails, Liquid IV and more!

While a lot of my favorite places have shut down (Local mom & pop restaurants, my hair and nail salons, and even some STARBUCKS locations – yes, I know, I don’t want to talk about it) these have really helped me through the struggles!

Okay, fine. Let’s talk about Starbucks real quick. We all know I can barely EVER start my day without caffeine. Honestly though, who can? (If you can, I’m very jealous). So, when the Starbucks near my house closed down because of COVID, I truly thought I was going to lose it. I was wrong! The most perfect opportunity fell into my hands during this time – and I took it!

Have no fear! Proper Wild is here! If you’ve been keeping up with my YouTube channel, you may have noticed my unboxing in one of my latest quarantine videos, and I also shared a photo on my Instagram account.

I ordered my Proper Wild 4-Pack in the flavor Ginger. They also carry Peach Mango and Blackberry! I can’t wait to try all the flavors!! These handy dandy lil energy shots are vegan, soy free, dairy free, gluten free, and most importantly – TASTY! Each one of them is packed with caffeine- the same amount as a shot of espresso! Wait! That’s not even the best part you guys, these energy shots leave me feeling super clean, refreshed, and energized without the jitteriness of coffee! I almost always have a stomachache or headache hours after drinking espresso, not to mention the come down. Ugh, by 2 or 3 in the afternoon I’m already ready for a nap. Not these guys, though! It lasts all day!

You need to go check out their site or Instagram! Right now! Go do it! Leave a comment below on which flavor you’re going to order 🙂

I would also love to hear what’s been keeping YOU busy during quarantine! Stay safe and healthy, guys! Until next time. XO.

February SHein haul

Welcome to my first fashion blog, wooohoooo!!

First of all, I appreciate you so much for reading this post 🙂 A lot of you suggested that I do clothing hauls when I started my YouTube channel back in September, so I was so excited for this post and it is looooong overdue! I have never done a try on haul before but I had so much fun picking stuff out and unboxing/trying it on while giving my honest opinion about each item. My blog style critique of this haul is going to be a little different from my YouTube video, because when filming the video, I was opening each item and you guys were getting my first real look at each piece. For the blog, since I have now seen everything, tried it all on, and worn most of them, I’m going to be ranking my items starting with what I was most disappointed in, to my favorite item I received.

For those of you who may have missed my SHEIN haul on YouTube – be sure to check it out here to see what each item looks like on and for a little more about each piece. Also, make sure you visit SHEIN online and browse for my items below or something more your style!

First up – the dreaded Sunset Tee….Ugh, just wow. If you saw my video, you know that there was definitely something that went wrong here. I ordered an XL, which is most often my size for tops because I like to wear my clothes a little baggy and I also have a larger chest. I even showed the tag that clearly says it is an XL, so I don’t know if I accidentally ordered a kid’s size or if it just wasn’t made right. The only thing that I do know is that it does NOT fit. I highly recommend checking this item out if you’re smaller because it truly is a cute top. Just remember to size up! What I ended up doing was cutting it into a crop trop so that I could stretch is a little and wear with high waisted jeans….I cut it WAY too short. So, we’ll just have to revisit this item in June when it’s more acceptable to show a little stomach and the underwire of my bralette.

Next, coming in at number two, I’m going to have to go with the Wide Band Waist Solid Black Leggings. Guys, I was SO excited for these cropped leggings to come in! For those of you who don’t know, I’m a full time nanny so I literally live in leggings. I was dying for a new cropped pair and I was just so disappointed. I had read the reviews, and almost everyone said that they were super high waisted but that they still liked them. Of course, I’m thinking super high waisted is perfect for me! I’m most comfortable in high waisted pants anyways. I was not ready for this at all….Guys, these pants could stretch up to my neck. No exaggeration!! Like, I could probably wear this as a spandex jumpsuit. It wouldn’t be cute, but I could do it. I guess what I’ll probably end up doing if I don’t return them is rolling them or folding the waist band under. Another thing I really don’t like is that the legs aren’t as tight as I would like them to be. Around the calves, the leggings are super wide. That’s just not my style!

In third place, my chain belt. I was so excited about this belt because it was so unique compared to the chain belts my friends wear and the measurements on the website matched with the measurements of my waist so I’m just confused how this didn’t work…Though, I did figure out how to style it! More details in my YouTube video. (It’s hard to explain without showing). Definitely pick up this belt though if you are in the market for a fun chain belt – Just be aware that one size certainly does NOT fit all (duh).

Okay…I feel bad ranking this top on the lower end of the spectrum because I honestly feel like it has so much potential I just don’t have the right tools right now to style it properly. I’m going to bring it along on my weekend trip in a few days and see if I can get away with wearing my lacy black bralette underneath. Ugh, have I mentioned having big boobs just straight up suck!? I’m definitely going to look into doing a styling blog/haul for all of you babes out there in the same boat as I am! Anyways, this camo top is perfect for throwing on top of leggings, sweats, or jeans which is one thing I really love about it. It also is just the material I was expecting and perfectly over sized. I just wish it wasn’t so low cut!

Okay! Coming in at number 5…These wide holed fish net tights! Other than trying to get them on without ripping, they work perfectly. Speaking of them ripping, they actually seem pretty strong. I have always purchased close knit fish net tights and I swear with my wide legs and acrylic nails I always end up ripping a hole in them somewhere at some point. I actually bought these specific pair of tights to wear underneath my favorite ripped jeans and I just love the way they look. Super casual (as casual as fish nets can get) but add just a little bit of edge to any outfit.

These next four are SO hard to rank. I don’t think I have much to say other than I love them all!!! But….I’m going to have to rank my Wide Band Waist Space Dye Sports Leggings as number 6! These are so so great! They are the perfect color because they are three different shades of grey so they literally go with almost anything! They’re thick, high-waisted, and they STAY UP!! This is so important for me because it’s easy for the waist bands on my leggings to roll down and I cannot stand it. I have a hard time finding leggings that have a high enough waist and stay up so these are the perfect the fit, perfect color, and perfect thickness! The only thing I have to say is that there is definitely a tendency for camel toe…But isn’t there with any type of leggings?! I don’t know…Just be careful with how high you pull them up. Also – you must wear seamless undies with these babies! Especially if you have thicker hips like I do, it’s easy to see underwear lines, even thongs! Overall, I highly recommend these for anyone – they are true to size! I will definitely be picking up another pair in a different color. Click the picture to shop!

Next, I’m going to have to rank my One Should Solid Crop Top in the color brown. This is also available in white and grey but I didn’t have any brown going-out tops, so I decided to grab it in brown! I love this top and it’s perfect to dress up for a night out or dress down for a casual, sunny day! As I’ve mentioned, I have a larger chest, so the only thing I really have to say negative about this top is that it pulls a little across my boobs because it’s just a little tight even though I got it in an XL. When I tried this on for the camera in my SHEIN haul vlog, it honestly looked awful because I am pale AF and the lighting in my bedroom wasn’t the best. But! But! But! Don’t let that scare you away! This top is so comfortable, super cute, and easy to style. My favorite part about it is that there isn’t a tag! That’s so silly to be excited about, but that means I can choose which side I want to wear the shoulder strap! This is great because I don’t have to plan my hair style around my top. Check it out! Be sure to size up if you usually have a problem with your girls 😉

There are two items left in my haul and it is just way too hard to pick my favorite! I love both of them but they are totally different styles of tops! So, let’s start with the cheetah print crop top. It covers everything that needs covered, it’s a soft, velvet material, and I absolutely cannot wait to wear it out! Again, this would look so much better with a tan. I need to get myself a tanning package or something! Sheesh! Make sure to get yours – this item is true to size! I got a 0XL (12) which is currently sold out but I had no problem with my chest.

Drum roll please…… Out of this entire SHEIN haul, consisting of nine items, I am ranking my camel Graphic Tee as my favorite! This comes in three different colors: camel, black, and burgundy. Again, I have literally so much black in my wardrobe so I was of course naturally drawn to the black color in this style shirt, but I wanted to branch out and add something new and different to my closet so I decided to grab the camel color! In my vlog I believe I called this a mustard colored tee, I honestly think it’s more burnt orange than anything, but they’re calling it “camel” so, you can decide! I basically live in over sized tees, partially due to my new nanny job and also just because I feel most comfortable in them, so I wanted to pick up a larger shirt that was much cuter than a basic “HILTON HEAD ISLAND” vaca tee. I’ve worn this so many times already with jeans and leggings, so I think it goes with pretty much anything!

That’s all for this week, guys! I really appreciate you reading all about my recent SHEIN haul and I am so excited to continue these! I posted a poll on my Instagram story last night asking if you guys would rather see a beauty post next week or stick to fashion and so far fashion is winning 60/40! I’m so excited for what I have in store for y’all next week so you’ll have to stick around to see! Coming up, as Spring finally makes its way to Ohio, I plan to do another SHEIN haul showcasing must have outfits to get you ready for sunny weather!

Ipsy Monthly Review: February

Hey guys! This is my first beauty blog post. I’m so excited to share with you all what arrived in this month’s Ipsy Glam Bag, what I liked and what I didn’t, and a little about my all time favorite products that have introduced to me through Ipsy. If you’re more of a visual or auditorial type of person – head over to my YouTube channel and check out one of my latest videos where I review each product in even greater detail. Don’t forget to subscribe! You can find each product throughout this post, as well as through the links in the description box on my YouTube video.

Let’s start with what came in this month’s bag. First of all, I am in love with the little pouch that my testers came in. One thing I really love about Ipsy and what sets it aside from other brands and subscriptions is that all five mini products are shipped to you in the cutest little bag! These are easy to store in your bathroom, bedroom, or even suitcase to make transporting your cosmetics/toiletries easier. I also really like these to store feminine products and keep in the center console of my car. The possibilities are endless! See below for photos of my February bag design (pink plush) & my all time favorite bag design from January 2020 (white and grey marbling)…

So, everyone loves a good presentation but it’s on the inside that counts, right?! At least that’s how I judge my martinis??? AnYwAyS….

Inside of February’s Ipsy Glam Bag, we found five items. The first item I pulled out was a Lip Fondant by Half Caked in the Shade “Low Key”. First of all, does ANYONE know what a lip “fondant” is??? All I have to say about this lip…stuff…is that it is everything BUT “low key”. I wouldn’t call it half caked either. I had never heard of this brand before opening my Ipsy bag this month, but I’m assuming half caked must refer to their other products. After *trying* to apply this stuff to my lips, I quickly realized it just wasn’t for me. It specifically states to apply with “one swipe”, however I couldn’t help myself from applying left to right and then right to left. Like, who applies lip gloss with only one motion? The color was much too dark for me and felt way too heavy. Perhaps calling it “Lip Goo by Full on Betty Crocker Confetti Cake mix in the Shade “High Key Extra AF” would have marketed the product best.

Moving on…

The next product I pulled out was the Catherine Malandrino “Dream” Fragrance. This scent is actually wonderful. The bright pink designed label is nothing compared to what is inside this body spray. It smells like summer! Wearing it makes me feel so fresh. It has a clean, floral scent with hints of fruitiness. Perfect for any occasion! It’s like your favorite PINK body spray from middle school, only now it’s in adult form.

My next find in this February Glam Bag was a moisturizer that is just to DIE for! It’s by Dr. Frog, and the packaging was kind of unclear, (for a good laugh check out me trying to figure out what it is on my YouTube video) but once I took off the cap and applied it to my skin, I was in absolute Heaven. First, you feel as if you’re applying a lotion due to the initial consistency. Then, out of literally no where, it starts to feel like you’re rubbing water on your skin. It is so hydrating! I couldn’t stop rubbing it in. My favorite part about it is how light weight it is! I hate applying moisturizers to my face and then feeling like my cheeks are oily and heavy. This is the perfect blend for a quick fix on just about any area of your body!

Next, was the It! Cosmetics primer. I feel like I always receive a primer in each of my bags but, I’m really not complaining. I mean, who couldn’t use an endless supply of primer? I use it almost every day. This stuff is good. I mean, I apply my make up around 7 am and don’t take it off until about 9 pm so…that’s at least 14 hours of “glue” essentially that needs to stick and keep my make up looking fresh all day long. I also don’t really wear a lot of make up so I feel like this is hard to judge. For the most part though, it does it’s job. I would suggest hanging on to this little trial sized primer for as long as you can – the full size bottle can be anywhere from forty to fifty dollars!

Last but not least, for my February items, was my Tarte “Sex Kitten” liquid eyeliner. (This was the item I got to choose this bag). This eyeliner has a felt tip applicator and I love how easy it is to use. One of my favorite things about it is how dark it is. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spent good money on an eyeliner that fades fast throughout the day, or even worse, throughout time. I try so hard to use them for as long as I can, and after a few months it’s just SO worn out and dry! I obviously haven’t had this product for more than a few weeks, but I can just tell that’s it’s always going to keep it’s moisture and dark shade. Other than receiving new fragrances to try, eyeliners and mascaras are a very close second and third!

Lastly, I am going to run through some of my top rated items I have ever received in an Ipsy Glam Bag. For more information, head over to my YouTube channel where I go more in depth on each product. Below, find the links to where you can purchase all items that I discussed with you on this blog, and make sure to check out those that are just some of my favs! As always, thanks for reading 🙂 Check out my YouTube channel, subscribe, and follow me on my Instagram: @daybyday_na for more! Feel free to shoot me a message with any questions you may have.

Here are a few of my other favorites so far….Click on the photos to shop!

Murad Moisturizer and SPF – Perfect for dark spots!

Eyeko Eyebrow felt tip marker – Perfect for on-the-go fix ups!
Thrive Cosmetics Mascara in “Brynn” – My ALL TIME Fave mascara!!
Juliet has a Gun not a Perfume Fragrance – Best for date nights!
Beauty Protector Protection oil for your hair! Makes it softer than ever!!!
Wander Beauty After-hours Highlighter – Gives off an amazingly bright, subtle glow!
Remarkable People Perfume – Perfect for Summer Brunches!